DMCA respects intellectual property rights and follows the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) guidelines. This page outlines the process for handling copyright infringement claims.

1. Filing a DMCA Complaint

If you believe any content on infringes your copyright, please send a written DMCA Notice with the following details:

  • Identification of the copyrighted material.
  • URL or location of the infringing content.
  • Contact information (name, address, email).
  • A statement that you believe in good faith that the use is unauthorized.
  • A statement under penalty of perjury that the information is accurate.
  • Your physical or electronic signature.

Send your DMCA Notice to:

2. Action on Receiving DMCA Complaints

Upon receiving a valid DMCA Notice, we will:

  • Remove or disable access to the infringing content.
  • Notify the content creator if applicable.
  • Consider a counter-notification if the content creator believes the material was removed by mistake.

3. Counter-Notification Process

If you believe your removed content is not infringing, you may submit a counter-notification with the following:

  • Identification of the removed content and its location.
  • A statement under penalty of perjury that you believe the content was removed in error.
  • Your consent to jurisdiction and your signature.

Contact Us

For any questions about this DMCA policy, reach out via email at